Jesus Christ Was An Enemy Of The State

As we celebrate the birth of our country and independent spirit, let’s please remember our independence from tyranny is contingent on our dependence on Christ.
Reading The Declaration of Independence every year, I am always amazed at the bravery of the men who signed it. I am also amazed what it spawned: the longest lasting constitution and republic in the history of the world. This is exceptional.
Despite what revisionists have started teaching in the past 75 years or so, most founding fathers were raised in the christian faith, and studied the Bible, and knew its positive influence in society, and relied on it (evidence below). Up until Continue reading “Celebrating Independence: The Need For Dependence on Christ”
Our school district, West Ada School District, is without course and rudderless, too top-heavy, and is far less focused on actual education, and more focused on “safety” and protecting itself from litigation. And passing the buck to a tyrannical health district.
They have placed way too many draconian restrictions on students, parents, teachers, schools, etc, that educating will come with obstructions and hurdles that will likely prove to be completely unnecessary, but will hinder education progress and the mental health of many.
They have no clear plan as to when in-person classes would begin, what the standards of “safety” will be, what precise metric will cause a school Continue reading “Starting The Path of School Freedom”
Destruction is part of human nature. I get it. So, it should not be surprising the amount of iconoclasts in the “social justice” mobs of today; the iconoclasts destroying statues, and destroying history.
Iconoclasm is nothing new, it’s been around since shortly after creation. The destruction and discrediting of essential figures of civic and spiritual liberty has long been a tool of the devil. This tool will continue to be used with evil purpose until Christ Himself puts an end to it.
Lies about our country’s framers have been perpetuated by iconoclasts for decades, and it is high time we quarantine these lies and discredit their perpetrators.
There is absolutely no evidence which proves Continue reading “There Is No Evidence Which Proves Thomas Jefferson Fathered Any Of Sally Hemings’ Children”
The point of this writing is to squash the canard that “Christians must do whatever government says.” This statement is an absolute. And its principle is not found in scripture. We are not commanded to always obey government.
What this writing is not about, is a call to action. I am not calling for defiance of government. I am not advocating for lawlessness and mobs. I merely want to make it clear that scripture does not command us to blindly obey everything government says. That’s it.
I’ve seen, over the past few months, some verses of scripture posted online to support this canard, but they ignore the context, the historical surroundings, the intent of the author, and subsequent verses. I don’t care Continue reading “Myth: As Christians, We Must Always Obey Government”
I’ve reached the point that I have little desire to vote. I no longer see the point. I keep asking myself, “Is our country a failed state?”
We elect congress, but why? The supreme court anti-constitutionally hijacks legislative powers from congress all the time. John Roberts, and his anti-constitutional cohorts, create laws which Continue reading “Elections Have Become Meaningless”
For Those of you who vote GOP and support the GOP solely because of judges, how’s that working out for you?
No surprise to me, and to others who have read my past writings on our gnostic, anti-constitutional, and incestuous judicial branch, the supreme court yesterday once again did what only congress has the constitutional power to do: legislate. And those who want to destroy the family, and religion, cheered the court’s OPINION, and pretended to be compassionate and kind, while vilifying anyone who offered a contrary opinion of constitutionalism, religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and real inalienable rights.
Those that voted for Trump in 2016 solely because Continue reading “Can We Stop Pretending We Have A Conservative Constitutional Supreme Court?”
If any school official or policy violates these rights, the school and its governing administration are in violation of section 9524 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and they will lose ESEA funds. Nothing scares a school district more than the possibility of losing funds.
Despite the wishes of freedom from religion advocates, our children have religious rights while attending public school. I think several citizens are unaware of these rights.
As I have previously written, our tyrannical Supreme Court in the 1960’s re-interpreted the religious clauses of the 1st Amendment in order to promote their hostility towards religion. In order to do this, they had to ignore history, ignore over 150 years of judicial precedents, ignore over 150 years of national doctrine, and ignore Continue reading “Do Students Have Religious Rights?”
Every person is a literal child of God and loved by God. Every person is of value. We are scripturally mandated to love, and to be kind towards, every individual. I have yet to find any exemptions to this godly commandment. This is because God loves all of his children…
I’ve been contemplating the question, “Is mankind inherently good?” off and on for several years. I’ve spent many hours studying spiritual philosophers, scholars, and holy scripture. Thanks to these studies and contemplations prompted by the Spirit, and thanks to an event that I will not share publicly, I now have an answer to that question with which I’ve been wrestling.
Before you read on, please know that if you fail to read all my words in this post, you may make false assumptions about me and my conclusions. And for some, if you fail to read all my written thoughts, you may become discouraged. I do not want this. Please read my points, and I encourage you to study holy scripture as I have, as they are the word of God and have led me to my conclusions of hope, comfort, rest, and joy. Continue reading “Is Mankind Inherently Good?”
Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament? Where are benevolence, the love of truth, sobriety, and industry, so powerfully and irresistibly inculcated as in the sacred volume? — The U.s. Supreme Court, 1844
We’ve all heard the phrase “separation of church and state,” but most of us are unfamiliar with its American origin. Most of United States citizens take it to mean that everything in the public square must be secular and no government employee, entity, or property is allowed to express anything religious in nature or display any religious symbol. But is this what our founding fathers intended when they added the phrase “separation of church and state” to The Constitution? Continue reading “Separation of Church And State: Not What You Think It Is”