The Bill of Rights, which clearly and distinctly lays out some of the rights we have from nature and from nature’s God, is for every individual.
This is part three of a four part series. Here are the links for the previous posts:
Part 1 – Myth: The Judicial Branch Is Equal To The Other Two Government Branches
Part 2 – Myth: Federal Judges Are Guaranteed A Lifetime Appointment
As in previous writings, I have made it clear that I believe the judicial branch as a whole is currently tyrannical, power-hungry, and anti-constitutional. In law school, instead of The Constitution and other founding documents being taught, it is case law and the opinions of jurists, who have stolen power from the legislative and executive, which are being taught. This has resulted in our judicial system being riddled with arrogant high-priests of the law who are re-forming our constitutional republic into an Continue reading “Judicial Myth: The Judiciary’s Role Is To Protect The Minority From The Majority”